Herb Fed Free Range Chicken


These fantastic Free Range birds live in mobile huts in small flock sizes, are hand-fed and bedded up daily with fresh straw.

As well as foraging in the pasture, from 4 weeks old fresh herbs are introduced into the chicken’s diet. The herbs are a mixture including basil, chives, dill, coriander and various salads to name just a few. Their absolute favourite is rocket and when the odd chili arrives there is always a fight for it – the only herb they don’t like is sage!

All the herbs are fresh herbs that have simply gone past their best and a by-product of a local herb farm that would otherwise end up on a compost heap. By 8 weeks old the chickens will eat up to a tonne of fresh herbs each week.

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  • Multi-Award winning poultry
  • Unique fresh herb diet
  • As seen on the BBC
  • 4.9/5* reviews
  • Average weight 1.8kg /2kg